Поурочное Планирование Биболетова 10 Класс

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Поурочные планы Английский язык Enjoy English 7 класс Биболетова - Дзюина Е.В. Скачать бесплатно. Поурочное планирование Биболетова 11 класс.

Поурочное планирование 7 класс. The World Teenagers’ Competition. Летние каникулы. Международный конкурс. Участие в международном конкурсе.

Суффиксы прилагательных. Учимся описывать людей.

Что ты хочешь изменить в себе?. Изучаем времена глагола (повторение времен). Будущее глазами британцев. Планы на будущее. Будущее нашей планеты. В каком конкурсе ты участвовал?. Учимся заполнять анкету.

Учимся читать числа и даты. Интересные факты о городах.

Известные люди планеты. Изучаем герундий.

Поговорим о суевериях. Страшные истории. Средства связи.

Какие средства связи ты предпочитаешь?. Разговор по телефону. Разговор по телефону: за и против. Компьютер в нашей жизни. Самое важное средство связи. Повторение материала раздела.

Работа над ошибками. Meet the Winners of the International Teenagers’ Competition. 28.Учимся знакомиться. 29.Страны и континенты.

30.Языки и национальности. 31.Английский язык в современном мире. 32.Язык эсперанто. 33.Англоговорящие страны. 34.Расскажи о своей стране. 35.Мотивы изучения английского языка. 36.Почему ты изучаешь английский язык?

37.Роль иностранных языков в современной жизни. 38.Способы изучения иностранных языков.

39.Изучение русского языка. 40.Учимся выразительно читать стихотворение.

41.Учимся описывать картину. Изучаем пассивный залог. 43.Путешествие по англоговорящим странам. 44.Различные виды транспорта.

45.Какой вид транспорта лучше? 46.Повторение материала раздела. Работа над ошибками. Look at Teenage Problems: School Education. 49.Легко ли быть молодым?

50.Что нам разрешается и не разрешается? 51.Поговорим о проблемах подростков. 52.Дорога в школу. 53.Учимся объяснять маршрут. 54.Всречаем гостей нашего города. 55.Школа в нашей жизни.

56.Изучаем модальные глаголы. 57.Учимся составлять диалоги.

58.Школьные годы чудесные. Идеальная школа. 60.Школа моей мечты. 61.Притяжательные местоимения. 62.Образование в англоговорящих странах. 63.Школьная форма.

64.Пассивный залог. 65.Книги о жизни подростков. 66.Различные виды наказания. 67.Кодекс правил поведения. 68.Условные придаточные предложения. Наши мечты о будущем. Как распознать настоящего друга 71.Трудно ли быть настоящим другом?

72.Сложное дополнение. 73.День друзей. Проблемы подростков. 75.Возможные пути решения проблем подростков.

76.Легко ли быть подростком? 77.Проблемы курения. 78.Повторение материала раздела. 79.Повторение материала раздела. 81.Работа над ошибками. Sport is Fun. 82.Виды спорта.

83.Причины популярности спорта. 84.Мой любимый вид спорта. Здоровый образ жизни.

86.Диалоги по теме ЗОЖ. 87.Занятия спортом. 88.Олимпийский фольклор по теме ЗОЖ. Витамины в жизни людей. 90.Здоровье дороже богатства. 91.Посещение аптеки.

92.Ролевая игра «Посещение доктора». 93.Неудачи в спорте. 94.Рассказы о спорте. 95.Олимпийские игры. Олимпийские чемпионы. 97.Степени сравнения наречий. 98.Всемирные юношеские игры.

99.Письмо из Древней Греции. 100.Повторение материала раздела. 102.Работа над ошибками. Подведение итогов.

Напоминаем, что в соответствии с профстандартом педагога (утверждён Приказом Минтруда России), если у Вас нет соответствующего преподаваемому предмету образования, то Вам необходимо пройти профессиональную переподготовку по профилю педагогической деятельности. Сделать это Вы можете дистанционно на сайте проекта 'Инфоурок' и получить диплом с присвоением квалификации уже через 2 месяца!

Только сейчас действует СКИДКА 50% для всех педагогов на все 111 курсов профессиональной переподготовки! Доступна рассрочка с первым взносом всего 10%, при этом цена курса не увеличивается из-за использования рассрочки! L 4 класс esson 1 Вводный урок. Знакомство Цели: тренировка произносительных навыков (звуки, интонация) при декламации стихотворения во время фонетической зарядки; повторение правил чтения ( ee, ea, ow, ng ); ознакомление с новой лексикой по теме «Спорт»; развитие речевых умений и навыков, навыков аудирования и письма. Pupils answer the following questions.

1) What is your favourite season? 2) What can you do in winter?

3) What can you do any time? 4) What can you do in summer, spring, autumn? Phonetic activities. Listening to the poem. Listen to the poem, repeat and learn it. The North wind does blow And we have much snow, And what do the children Do then, poor things? When lessons are done They skip, jump and run Until they are warm, poor things.

(Adapted by James W. Phonetic review. Reading rules. A) ee і: gr ee n; ea і: cl ea n; b) ow əʊ sn ow, yell ow; c) ng ŋ spri ng. Pupils write down the rules into their exercise books.

Pupils look at the pictures on page 5 and listen to the tapescript. They repeat the words after the teacher and read them in turn.

Lexical activities. Look at the pictures on p.

5 and guess the meanings of these words. Pupils look at the pictures, read the words and guess their meanings. How many kinds of sport can you find in the wordcircle? Write them below. A) hockey d).

B) badminton e). Pupils do this task in their exercise books and at the blackboard. Ask you class mates what they like to do in winter and in summer and mark their answers in the table. Example: P 1. Do you like to skate in winter? Do you like to toboggan in winter?

Do you like to play snowballs in winter? What do you like to do in winter? Say what one of your classmates likes to do in winter and in summer. Example: P 1. Nick likes to toboggan and ski in winter. He likes to play tennis in summer. Listening (ex.

Look at the picture on page 6 and remember the names of these heroes. (The bear’s name is Billy. The rabbit’s name is Martin. The gnome’s name is Tiny.) Listen and say what Tiny and his friends like to do in winter and in summer. Keys: Tiny likes to ski in winter. He likes to play table tennis in summer. Billy likes to skate in winter.

He likes to ride a bike in summer. Martin likes to toboggan in winter. He likes to play badminton in summer. The conclusion of the lesson. Homework: ex.

18; learn the words (ex. L 4 класс esson 2 Учимся рассказывать о погоде Цели: ознакомление с новой лексикой по теме «Погода», грамматической конструкцией It is cold ( sunny, rainy и т. Д.); повторение и активизация лексического материала по теме «Спорт»; развитие умений и навыков устной речи, чтения. Pupils answer the following questions. 1) What is the weather like today? 2) Is it cold? 3) Are the trees bare?

Поурочное Планирование Биболетова 10 Класс

4) Do you like September? 5) Why don’t you like September? Phonetic activities. Listening to the poem. Listen to the poem, repeat and learn it.

September It’s September and the leaves Are falling down All around me. I see only red and brown.

People come and they go And seasons too I know. Listen to the words and pronounce them correctly.

Lexical activities (ex. Look at the pictures and guess the meanings of these words. Sunny – солнечный snowy – снежный windy – ветреный hot – горячий cloudy – облачный cold – холодный Teacher.

How many new words can you find in this wordchain? Write them below. Cold windy snowy hot sunny cloudy Teacher. Now I’d like to know who is the best in translating the new words and expressions. We’ll play the game “Happy chance”.

A) You should quickly translate the words in English. Нырять, волейбол, кататься на санках, играть в теннис, кататься на водных лыжах, играть в хоккей, играть в баскетбол, кататься на велосипеде. B) Can you write these words? Complete these spidergrams. Pupils are divided into two teams.

The spidergram “Sport in winter” Key: to toboggan, to ski The spidergram “Sport in summer” Key: to play football, to swim 1. It is winter. Grammar activities. Compare and remember.

Let’s drill this construction. Say why you like summer, winter, spring, autumn. Example: P 1. I like summer because it is hot. I don’t like autumn because it is cold. Pre-reading activities.

Look at the new words on page 7 (cold, cloudy, windy, sunny, etc.) and remember them. Reading activities. Read the story and answer the question: “What do the children see in the sky?”. Post-reading activities. Answer the question, please. What do the children see in the sky?

The children see the ducks in the sky. Put the pictures in the correct order. Choose the right variant. Pupils answer the questions. Several pupils answer the last question. Example: P 1. It is autumn.

I don’t like autumn because it is cold and cloudy. It is autumn. I like autumn because it is beautiful. The trees are red and yellow. The conclusion of the text. Homework: ex. L 4 класс 4 класс esson 3 Погода в разные времена года Цели: тренировка произносительных навыков при декламации стихотворения во время фонетической зарядки; развитие умений и навыков устной речи (диалогическая речь), аудирования.

Pupils answer the following questions. 1) What is the weather like today? 2) What is the weather like in Great Britain in winter? 3) What is the weather like in Russia in winter? 4) Which season does the Frog like? 5) What is the weather like in Volgograd in summer?

Phonetic activities (ex. Listen to Tiny’s poem and learn it.

Lexical activities (ex. Pupils translate the following phrases. 1) снежная зима (a snowy winter); 2) жаркое лето (a hot summer); 3) теплая осень (a warm autumn); 4) холодная весна (a cold spring); 5) тепло, но ветрено (It’s warm but it is windy.); 6) холодно и дождливо (It’s cold and rainy.).

Guess what the weather is like in summer in: a) Antarctica; b) Great Britain; c) Africa; d) Russia. Example: P 1. It is cold and clean in Antarctica. It is hot in Africa. It is rainy in Great Britain. Say what you can do in different weather. Use the words from the box.

Example: P 1. When it’s cold, I can draw pictures at home. When it’s snowy, I can ski and skate. When it’s warm, I can walk in the park. When it’s hot, I can dive and swim.

Create a dialogue. Put the sentences in the correct order (1–6). Listen and check the order. Pupils put the sentences in the correct order, then they listen to the tapescript and check the order. After that they read the dialogue with the correct intonation. Key: 1, 4, 3, 2, 5, 6. Role-playing (ex.

Imagine that you and your friend live in different countries. Tell about the weather in these countries. The dialogue: African boy (P 1 ). I am from Africa. Where are you from? American boy (P 2 ).

I am from America. African boy (P 1 ). What is the weather like in America in winter? American boy (P 2 ). It’s cold and windy.

And in Africa? African boy (P 1 ). It’s hot and sunny. American boy (P 2 ). That’s great!

I like the African winter very much. The conclusion of the lesson. Homework: ex. L 4 класс 4 класс esson 4 Знакомимся с будущим временем Цели: тренировка произносительных навыков; повторение и активизация лексического материала по темам «Спорт» и «Погода»; ознакомление с новым грамматическим временем Future Simple; развитие речевых умений и навыков, умения понимать на слух текст полностью и навыка чтения. Pupils answer the following questions. 1) What is the weather like in Moscow? 2) Do you like to dive and to swim in summer?

3) Do you like to ride a bike? 4) Do you like to play snowballs and to toboggan?

5) What is your favourite season? Phonetic activities. Learn the rhyme. Monday for wealth. Tuesday for health.

Wednesday is the best day for all. Thursday for crosses. Friday for losses.

And Saturday no luck at all. (Old superstition) 2. Read and translate the words. The words are given in transcription. Cold noisy cloudy snowy dive rainy grass swim windy walk bike snowball warm scooter toboggan sunny badminton donkey IV. Lexical activities.

Translate these phrases into Russian. A) to play snowballs; b) to play badminton; c) to dive and to swim; d) to ride a bike; e) It’s rainy and cloudy. Find 6 new words in this wordsearch and write them down in your exercise books. Grammar activities (Future Simple). Say what your friend will do for you. Example: She’ll sit with my little sister for me.

He will play hockey with me tomorrow. Ask what your friend will do tomorrow and answer the questions. Example: Will you watch TV tomorrow? – Yes, I will. Will you play badminton tomorrow? I will play computer games.

Now let’s correct little gnome Tiny. (Role-playing.) Example: I’ll go for a walk tomorrow. No, you won’t go for a walk. I’ll swim in the river in spring. No, you won’t swim in the river in spring. I’ll eat ice cream on a cold day. Listening (ex.

Listen and say where Tiny is. What’s the weather like there? Key: Tiny is in Africa. The weather is sunny and hot in Africa. Pre-reading activities.

Read the story and answer the question: “Has the Donkey got a favourite season?”. Reading activities. A) Pupils read the text and try to find the answer to this question. B) Pupils read the text aloud in turn and try to get as much new information as they can. C) Reading the text, pupils play different roles. Post-reading activities.

A) Pupils answer the question given before reading. Example: P 1. The Donkey hasn’t got a favourite season. He is always sad. Read and say: true or false.

Key: 1) true, 2) false, 3) true, 4) false, 5) true. Look at the pictures on page 11. Read the sentences in the text to illustrate them. Example: Picture 1. It’s cold and snowy. I don’t like winter because I haven’t got any green grass.

Spring comes. It’s warm and sunny. Now the Donkey is in the park. Help the Donkey to find his favourite season.

Tell him what you will do next year (next winter, spring, summer, autumn.) Example: P 1. I will make a funny snowman next winter. The conclusion of the lesson. Homework: ex. 18, learn the words on p. L 4 класс esson 5 Планы на неделю Цели: тренировка чтения слов в транскрипции по теме «Погода», «Спорт»; повторение изученных лексических единиц; развитие умений и навыков устной (монологической и диалогической) речи, чтения.

Good day, dear friends! I think you are fine. And how about the song “Hello there, hi!”? Will you listen to it?

Would you like to listen to it? It is very enjoyable. Hello there, hi!

(2 раза.) Well how are you? Would you like to have a walk with me? Would you like to see the park with me? Would you like to sit and talk with me? Hello there, hi! (2 раза.) Would you like to come along with me? Would you like to have some fun with me?

Поурочное Планирование Биболетова 10 Класс

Would you like to sing a song with me? Hello there, hi! (2 раза.) Pupils answer the questions. 1) Do you like to ski? 2) Do you like to play hockey? 3) Do you like to skate? 4) Will you ride a bike tomorrow?

5) Will you play badminton tomorrow? 6) Will you play volleyball tomorrow? 7) Will you play hockey tomorrow?

Now, children, make up your own dialogues about sport in winter. You should use my questions in your dialogues. Example: P 1.

Phonetic activities. Pupils read the transcription of the following words.

Tomorrow autumn December basketball next week favourite September volleyball year season October football hour snowy November hockey weather warm February tennis forecast windy IV. Lexical activities. Translate these words into Russian.

1) tomorrow; 5) weather forecast; 9) cloudy; 2) next week; 6) in an hour; 10) snowy; 3) next year; 7) sunny; 11) hot; 4) next winter; 8) windy; 12) warm. Grammar activities. Complete the sentences using the verb to be in Future Simple. Example: P 1.

It will be sunny today. It will be rainy today. Make the weather forecast for winter months. Use the words in the box. Example: P 1. I think January will be cold.

Гдз По Физике 10 Класс

I think February will be windy. (Role-playing.) Teacher. English people often use ’ll instead of will.

Say what Rex would like to tell us. Example: P 1. I’ll walk with you in the park in an hour.

Ask your classmate what he or she will do tomorrow. Example: Will you fly to Africa tomorrow? – No, I won’t. Will you dance with me tomorrow? – Yes, I will.

Will you play volleyball with me tomorrow? – Yes, I will. Will you ride a bike tomorrow? – No, I won’t. (Reading/Speaking.) Teacher. Read what Tiny will do next week.

Do you think he will do it? Example: P 1.

I think he won’t toboggan and ski on Tuesday. I think he won’t write ten new fairy tales on Tuesday. (Role-playing.) Teacher. Who wants to be Tiny? Ask Tiny about his plans for the next week. Use the words: will, what, where, why, when. Example: P 1.

Will you write to me next week? I’ll write to you next week. Tell about your plans for your winter and summer holidays. Example: P 1. I’ll ride my scooter in summer. I’ll play computer games in winter. The conclusion of the lesson.

Homework: ex. 19, learn the rule on p.

L 4 класс esson 6 Пикник Цели: тренировка чтения слов в транскрипции; ознакомление с новой лексикой по теме «Каникулы»; развитие умений и навыков устной речи, аудирования и чтения. Warming-up (ex. Create two dialogues putting the sentences in the correct order (1–4). Key: 2), 1), 4), 3).

Key: 2), 4), 3), 1). Phonetic activities. Read the transcription of the following words. Holidays hide-and-sick ham; picnic favourite sandwich to fly season tasty a kite weather warm slippery foggy cloudy Teacher. Do you remember Tiny? When does he like to walk? Let’s sing the song about him.

In winter it’s snowy, slippery, foggy. In summer it’s sunny and fine.

In autumn it’s cloudy, windy and rainy. In spring you may jump up to the sky. Lexical activities. How many new words about winter and summer can you find in these wordchains?

Write them below. Skate white snow ski snowy cold hockey windy dive kite swim picnic holidays hot sunny hideandsick V. Pre-listening activities (ex. Look at the pictures on p. 16 and guess what the weather will be in different cities tomorrow.

Key: In Pskov it will be rainy tomorrow. In Moscow it will be hot. In Tomsk it will be cloudy. In Kazan it will be windy. In Yakutsk it will be sunny. Listening activities (ex. Pupils listen to the tapescript and check up their weather forecasts.

Post-listening activities (ex. Say what the weather will be in your home place tomorrow. Example: P 1. I think the weather will be sunny in Volgograd. I think the weather will be windy in Volgograd.

I think the weather will be cloudy in Volgograd. Pre-reading activities. Look and learn the new words. Holiday – праздник, выходной; holidays – каникулы; to have a picnic – выезжать на пикник; to fly a kite – запускать воздушного змея; to play hide-and-seek – играть в прятки. Read Jill’s letter and answer the question: “Does Jill like winter?” 2. Reading activities. 1) Pupils read the text and try to find the answer to the question given before reading.

2) Pupils read the text aloud and try to get as much new information as they can. Post-reading activities. 1) Pupils answer the question given before the text. Key: Jill does not like winter. Choose the correct answer and read it aloud. Key: 1b; 2a; 3a; 4b; 5a.

Complete the sentences using information from the text. Key: a) Dad and Jim will fly a kite. B) Mum and Jill will play hide-and-seek. C) They will have cheese and ham sandwiches.

Read Jill’s letter again and answer her questions. – What is your favourite season? – What do you like to do in this season?

– What will you do next winter? Example: My favourite season is summer. I like to swim in the river in summer. I will skate and ski next winter. Tomorrow you and your friends will have a picnic. Say what you will do. You will have a test next lesson.

Let’s prepare for it. Read the questions and circle the necessary letter. Key: 1c; 2b; 3c; 4b.

Put special questions to the necessary words. Key: 1) Who will read the letters tomorrow?

2) Where will Tiny go next year? The conclusion of the lesson. Homework: ex.

19, learn the words on p. L 4 класс esson 7 Контрольная работа по теме «Времена года и погода» Цели: активизация грамматических навыков (Future Simple; Present Simple); повторение и активизация лексического материала раздела I. Practice (Grammar and lexical review). 2) It’s sunny and warm.

3) It’s rainy and cloudy. 4) It’s cold and snowy. 5) It’s sunny and hot. 2) Tiny and Billy like to toboggan /ride a scooter. 3) Martin and Tiny can make a snowman /play snowballs. 4) Jim can fly a kite /ride a bike.

5) Jack and Donkey like to play hide-and-seek /play snowballs. 6) Dino can dive /draw. 1) Jim will fly a kite. 2) He won’t play football. 3) Jill will play hide-and-seek with her dog. 4) Will they play badminton in the park?

5) Where will they go? It’s warm and sunny. Would you like to go to the park and have a picnic? Of course, I can fly my kite there. 1) Yes, I can./No, I can’t. (No, I cannot.) 2) Yes, I do./No, I don’t.

(No, I do not.) 3) Yes, she does. 4) Yes, he has. 5) No, they won’t. (No, they will not.) 6) Yes, they are. 7) No, she isn’t. (No, she is not.) 6. Dear Jill and Jim, In January I’ll go to Russia, it will be cold and snowy in winter.

I’ll toboggan and play snowballs. I’ll make a funny snowman. I’ll ski in the park. I won’t skate because I can’t. Дополнительно: Translate the following words into English.

1) завтра (tomorrow); 2) погода (weather); 3) воздушный змей (a kite); 4) прятки (hide-and-seek); 5) кататься на санках (to toboggan); 6) снеговик (a snowman); 7) дождливый (rainy); 8) теплый (warm); 9) снежный (snowy); 10) каникулы (holidays). Lesson 8 Работа над ошибками. Повторение пройденной темы (урок-игра) Цели: тренировка произносительных навыков; активизация лексико-грамматического материала по теме «Времена года»; развитие речевых умений и навыков, умения находить конкретную информацию на основе прочитанного текста.

Hello, my dear friends! Today we are having a funny, clever game! The game is called “What? We have 2 teams: – the first team is “Clever Hares”; – the second team is “Brave Wolves”. I see a lot of smiling faces.

May there always be smiles. Singing a song. Let us sing a wonderful song. May there always be sunshine! The sky’s bright blue.

The sun is up high – That was the little boy’s picture. He drew it for you And then wrote there for you. Just to make clear what he drew. Refrain: May there always be sunshine, May there always be blue skies, May there always be my mama, May there always be me! Ostrovsky, words by L. Oshanin, translation by T.

The questions for “Clever Hares”: a) What is your favourite season? B) What can you do in winter? The questions for “Brave Wolves”: a) What is your favourite season? B) What can you do in summer? Phonetic activities. What poems about your favourite season do you know?

“ Brave Wolves” P 1. My favourite winter month is December. I’d like to recite a poem about it. I heard a bird sing I heard a bird sing In the dark of December, A magical thing And sweet to remember. “ We are nearer to spring, Than we were in September,” I heard a bird sing In the dark of December. (By Oliver Herford) P 2. I like February because there are many snowstorms in February.

Besides we have a wonderful Russian holiday “Shrovetide”. Afternoon in February The day is ending, The night is descending; The marsh is frozen, The river dead. Through clouds like ashes The red sun flashes On village windows That glimmer red. (By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow) Pupils try to pronounce all the words correctly. (Эти стихи они подготовили заранее.) “ Clever Hares” P 3.

My favourite month is July. The weather is hot.

I have summer holidays. I like summer mornings.

They are wonderful. A summer morning I saw dawn creep across the sky, And all the gulls go flying by. I saw the sea put on its dress Of blue midsummer loveliness. I heard the trees begin to stir Green arms of pine and juniper. I heard the wind call out and say: “ Get up, my dear, it is today!” (By Rachel Field) IV. Lexical activities.

The task for “Clever Hares”. Занимательные опыты для 12 лет. Name all the winter and spring months, please. Key: December, January, February, March, April, May. You should write them down on the blackboard. The task for “Brave Wolves”.

Translate these words, please: rainy, sunny, snowy, warm, hot, cold. You should translate them very quickly. Key: Дождливый, солнечный, снежный, теплый, жаркий, холодный. Dear “Clever Hares” and “Brave Wolves”, I’d like to know what you will do in winter and in summer. “ Clever Hares” P 1. Our favourite season is summer. As for me I’ll swim in the river and I’ll read a lot of interesting books.

I think I’ll play football with my friends and I’ll go to the zoo in summer. “ Brave Wolves” P 3. Our favourite season is winter. I’ll play hockey after my lessons. I suppose I’ll ski and skate on Sundays.

Let us work with a newspaper. Let’s read the article “Why is it cold in winter and hot in summer?”. Why is it cold in winter and hot in summer? The sun is a big star in the middle of the solar system.

Алгебра 10 Класс

Our earth travells around the sun in a circle. This circle is called an orbit. The sun heats the earth as it travells around the sun. When the part of the earth where we live is nearer to the sun, our weather gets hotter, because we are closer to the sun’s hot rays. Then we have summer.

When the part of the earth where we live is very far from the sun, our weather gets colder. Then it is winter. Hot and cold weather, summer and winter – all of these changes are caused by how far away we are from the sun. You should find the answers to the questions. Why is it cold in winter? Why is it hot in summer?

“ Brave Wolves” P 1. Our favourite season is winter. So, I’d like to answer the first question. When the part of the earth, where we live is very far from the sun, our weather gets colder. And we have winter. “ Clever Hares” P 2. Our favourite season is summer.

That’s why I’ll answer the second question. When the part of the earth, where we live is nearer to the sun, our weather gets hotter, because we are closer to the sun’s hot rays. Then we have summer. The conclusion of the lesson. Our game is over.

Both teams are the winners. Thank you for your excellent work.

Good luck to you! Homework: ex. Lesson 9 Мой дом Цели: повторение правил чтения (oo, all, tch, ere, air, are, eir); ознакомление с новой лексикой по теме «Квартира», с новой грамматической конструкцией (There is/are); развитие умений и навыков устной (монологической и диалогической) речи, чтения (уметь читать про себя и понимать общее содержание / полностью понимать прочитанный текст). Pupils answer the following questions.

1) Have you got your own room? 2) Do you share a room with your brother? 3) Do you like to clean rooms?

After these questions the teacher asks the pupils to guess the meaning of the expressions (to share a room with smb, to clean rooms). Phonetic activities. Remember these rules, please! 1) oo u: r oo m 2) a + ll ɔ: w all 3) tch t ʃ ki tch en 4) Ex. Pupils listen to the words and repeat them after their teacher.

Lexical activities (ex. Teacher explains the meaning of new words. He shows a lot of pictures with these words. Pupils guess the meanings of the words and translate them. Grammar activities. Утвердительная форма.

There are two bedrooms in my friend’s flat. There is a bedroom in my flat.

Отрицательная форма. There is no TV in my room. There are no pantries in our house. Tell about your rooms in your flat.

Use the new grammar rule. Example: P 1. There is a bathroom in my flat. There is a living room in my flat.

22 (Writing). Rex tells Tiny about the Brown’s house. But he misses some words.

Help Tiny to fill in the words. I’d like to see who is the best in writing this exercise. The winner will get a prize. Pupils are divided into 2 groups. In order to do this exercise they should remember the forms of the verb to be (are, is). Keys: 1) are, 2) are, 3) are, 4) is, 5) is, 6) is. Say how many rooms the Browns have got.

Name the rooms. Key: The Browns have got four rooms. They have got a living room, two bedrooms and a kitchen.

Say how many rooms you have got and name them. Example: I have got three rooms in my flat. I have got a living room, a bedroom, a kitchen and a bathroom in my flat. Listening (ex. Listen to the dialogues and remember the intonation of the sentences. Pupils read the dialogues, mind the correct intonation of the sentences and act out the dialogues. Ask your classmates and fill in the table.

Use the questions: – Do you live in a flat or in a house? – Is your room big or small? Pupils ask their classmates, fill in the table and tell about Anton and Nadya.

Example: P 1. Anton has got his own room. He doesn’t share the room.

Nadya shares a room with her sister. The room is big. Pre-reading activities. Read the first part of Tiny’s new story and answer the question: “What does Simon like to do on the farm?”. Reading activities. Pupils read the text “The Big Secret” (Part 1). Reading competition Pupils are divided into 2 groups.

The first group reads the 1st part of the text in chain. Then the second group reads the 2nd part of the text in chain. The winner of the competition is the best group in reading of the text. Post-reading activities.

Complete the sentences using information from the text. Keys: a) likes to visit his granny.

B) a lining room, a pantry, a large kitchen and a hall in the house. C) likes to swim and dive in the river. E) to read or draw. Answer the questions and read the correct answer from the text.

Keys: 1) There are three bedrooms, a living room, a pantry, a kitchen and a hall in granny’s house. 2) He cleans the rooms and waters the flowers. 3) Simon is alone now. 4) He wants to play with somebody.

5) Pupils’ own answers. The conclusion of the lesson. Homework: ex. 30; learn the words (ex. Lesson 10 Моя комната Цели: повторение и активизация лексического материала по теме «Квартира»; применение ранее изученного грамматического материала (конструкция There is/are ); развитие умений и навыков устной (монологической и диалогической) речи, навыков аудирования и чтения. Pupils answer the following questions.

1) Is there a pantry in your house? 2) Are there any pictures in your living room? 3) Is there a mirror in your bathroom? 4) Is there a sofa in your bedroom? Phonetic exercises. Listen and read the following words correctly.

Reading the poem. What month is it now? It is October. Do you like October? No, I don’t like October. It’s cold and windy. I like October because I have my birthday in October.

Let’s read the poem about October. October Party October gave a party. The trees by hundreds came, The chestnuts, oaks and maples, And leaves of every name! (By Eve Merriam) IV. Lexical activities. Translate the phrases. 1) На стене, на полу, на кухне, в гостиной, на столе, в кресле.

Key: On the wall, on the floor, in the kitchen, in the living room, on the table, in the armchair. 2) Смотреть телевизор, мыть полы, убирать квартиру, заправлять постель, мыть окна, жить в одной комнате с сестрой. Key: To watch TV, to wash the floor, to clean a flat, to make a bed, to wash windows, to share a room with a sister. Can you find the names of rooms in this wordsearch? Key: kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, pantry, living room. Pre-listening activities (ex.

Look at the Browns living room. Listen and find the things in it. Use the grammar construction There is/are and say about these things. Example: P 1. There is a sofa in the living room. There is a picture on the wall.

There is a fireplace in the living room. There is a piano near the wall. Post-listening activities (ex. Tiny didn’t visit the Browns. Tell him about their living room.

Example: P 1. There is a table in the living room. There is a carpet on the floor. There is a chair near the table. There is an armchair near the fireplace.

There is shelf on the wall. Listen to what Simon says about his room.

История 10 Класс

Look at the pictures and guess where Simon’s room is. Key: the first picture. And now tell us about your room. Example: I’ve got a room of my own. It’s big and nice. There is a sofa, a table, a chair, a TV in my room.

Поурочное Планирование Биболетова 10 Класс

There are many posters on the walls. The walls are white. There is a computer on the table. There is a red carpet on the floor. Grammar activities.


New grammar rule. Is there a mirror in your room? – Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t. – Are there any pictures in your living room? – Yes, there are.

/ No, there aren’t. Ask your classmate to close the textbook. Check if he or she remembers what the Browns have in their living room. Example: P 1. Is there a fireplace in the living room? Yes, there is.

Is there a carpet in the living room? Yes, there is. Imagine Tiny’s living room. What is there? Ask your classmate to guess what’s on your list. Example: P 1. Is there a mirror in his living room?

No, there isn’t. Is there a computer in his living room? Yes, there is.

The conclusion of the lesson. Homework: ex. 30; learn the words on p. Lesson 11 Предлоги места Цели: тренировка произносительных навыков; повторение и активизация лексического материала по теме «Квартира»; применение ранее изученного грамматического материала (конструкция There is/are ); развитие монологической и диалогической речи, навыков аудирования и чтения. Pupils answer the questions looking at the picture on p. 1) Is Simon’s room small?

2) Is there a bed, a table and two armchairs in his room? 3) Are there any pictures on the wall? 4) Are the walls yellow or white? 5) Is there a blue carpet on the floor?

Phonetic activities. Repeat these words after me. In the middle of behind in the left corner above under opposite between near on the left flight on the right beetle Teacher.

And now let us sing and dance this little ballet. Imagine you are little flies. So let’s begin. The ballet On the left, on the right, In the corner, in the middle There is a fly in flight Like a flying buzzing beetle! Opposite and behind, And in front of all of us, In my ears, in my mind There is just buzz and buzz! At, between, out of it, Near, by and far from us, Under it and over it There is just buzz and buzz!

Дети становятся в круг вокруг учителя и повторяют движения и слова за ним. Repeat these words after me.